Sunday 3 February 2013


Sudha Malik

Seeking inner peace? Try Yoga
Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. People join the gym in their pursuit for fitness, but it is not the answer for those who, like ‘Po’, are seeking inner peace.

Yoga is the age old answer to those looking for health and peace. It heals and balances your body holistically by distilling the wisdom of ages into practice. The benefits of yoga are very well known but like most things healthy it is difficult to adapt to. No one wants to make a public spectacle by playing imaginary Twister in the park, but we all need to start somewhere.

I started realising the benefits of Vivekananda Yoga in Bangalore. The asanas don’t vary substantially across most forms of Yoga, but it's the smooth transition and sequence of asanas that leaves you relaxed and rejuvenated. A typical Yoga session starts with the surya namasker to activate your energy, moves one to relaxing pranyama and ends with meditation, charging one up for the day ahead.

After a few years of practicing Yoga I wanted to spread my knowledge and experience. I started teaching Yoga, and over the last 17 years have hopefully enriched the lives of many. I have helped students deal with their anger, insomnia and other lifestyle issues through Yoga. In all cases, the students continued to learn regularly because Yoga made a positive impact on their lives.

Personally, yoga has helped me channel strength to navigate emotional storms. I found solid ground to balance myself in turbulent times and come out with a smile on my face. This is why I absolutely love practicing Yoga and hope it remains a part of my life always.

For everyone who’s reading this, I’d suggest you get off the internet and get on a Yoga mat to attain perfect balance for your body and mind. 

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